The Site: November 1998 (1/4)

Mike Plissi and Calum Torrie came to Hannover for a final design review of the modecleaner double pendulums. For the first time three complete stacks have been assembled, including motors and flex-pivots. The top-plates have been manufactured by Skodock; they were damped by partly filling them with graphite-doped RTV. A dummy mirror served to test the suspension. The result of this dry exercise was that the mechanical design is ok, up to a few little changes to be made by our workshop.

Angela Di Virgilio from Pisa came by to visit GEO 600. Here she takes a look at the assembly shop.
(From l.t.r.: Karsten, Angela, Aniello, Benno, Mike.)
Benno and Kasem look how to fix the roundtables to the TCMa top plate lying on it's back. The top "plate" has evolved from a planar to a rather Escher-like structure.   Peter and Jochen look at the top plate hovering above the stacks.
Kasem and Benno put the top plate onto the stacks.   Mike adjusts the fit of the top plate.

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