The Site: November 1998 (2/4)

Stacks and top plate

After being equipped with all the intermediate masses and mirrors the top plates have to be inserted into the tank and placed onto the stacks. This sequence shows the device for the soft lowering of the top plates. The test run proved the feasibility of this concept.

This view shows the stacks mounted on the resp. holder plates. The large thick thread-poles hold the upper part of the tank after opening it. The small ones bear square plates for the lowering device.   The lowering device consists of three beams and a round plate. The beams are fixed to the square plates.
Here the top plate is bolted to the lowering device. The stage is lowered by turning the nuts holding the square plates. (From l.t.r.: Mike, Benno, Calum, Peter.)   The top plate sits upon the stacks. Now the lowering device can be removed.

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